Lured by brochures promising limitless intellectual freedom, Jeff Jackson arrives at picturesque Tinsley College, eager to experience college life to the fullest. He does not know that the freedom he has been promised is in short supply at Tinsley, a college so dedicated to leftist ideals that the administration changed the name of the anthropology department to “anthrogynology” in order to make the name more “gender inclusive.”
Jeff makes the mistake of believing that the renowned Professor Bancroft Tarlton would be willing to debate the left wing politics that the professor advocates in his classes. Not realizing that there are just some questions one does not ask on a college campus, Jeff submits an essay outlining his provocative theories about happiness and human sexuality.
Professor Tarlton is not the only one furious at Jeff for his lack of devotion to left wing norms. Calling himself a “pomosexual” and believing Jeff to be not only a homophobe, but a “pomophobe” as well, Carl Fitzgerald, Jeff’s classmate, begins a feud with Jeff. The battle escalates from insults, to vandalism, to shattered love affairs and a dorm room inhabited by a fainting goat. In a college obsessed with political correctness, a clash between the writer of a “homophobic” essay and the “pomosexual” victim of a college prank can only end one way: with a showdown in a campus courtroom.
Why read Bias Incident: The World's Most Politically Incorrect Novel?
Political correctness is a ban on telling the truth, out of fear that it will offend a member of a favored group or cause people to question a preferred political ideology.
A bias incident is an offense committed while thinking bad thoughts about an oppressed member of a protected group
Few, if any, college students these days really are racist, sexist or homophobic. Yet, colleges and universities across the country are obsessed with political correctness, and bias incidents. For instance, a large yellow banner hanging above the East Side Community Center at the University of Michigan, informs them of how many days it has been since somebody on campus last reported a bias incident. Once, that banner would have welcomed new students to campus.
It may seem tasteless to point and laugh at this silly obsession. Colleges are, after all, run by leftists. They can't help it. But college administrators, eager to enforce conformity with their own ideals, have charged innocent students with bias incidents for negligible reasons. In 2008 a student employee at the University-Purdue University Indianapolis library was placed on bias incident charges for reading Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan during his work break.
Free people might wonder why it isn't enough to punish a criminal, and simply forget about what the psychology involved in the crime. But in a world in which our students are taught to take offense with exquisite sensitivity, thought crimes are very useful tool to the people in control. They can be used as a weapon to help prevent those with impious thoughts from telling the truth and thereby offending members of favored groups.
It is our obligation to point and laugh at these purveyors of petty tyranny.
That's where Bias Incident: The World's Most Politically Incorrect Novel comes in.
Drawing from real-life examples of academic leftism taken to a shocking extreme, Bias Incident satirizes what is happening right now on college campuses nationwide. The tinpot dictators that run our colleges will continue to deny the freedom that they promise to their students until the world realizes what is happening under their watch. And until the college lefties realize that world is laughing at them.

“Tinsley College. Where great minds can roam free…”