Carthago delenda est

For those of you who don’t read Latin, the title of this post comes from a famous quotation from Cato the Elder.  For a period between the Second and Third Punic Wars Cato concluded every one of his many speeches to the Roman Senate with the above quote, usually translated, “Furthermore, it is my opinion that Carthage must be destroyed.”

I have no great affection for the Ancient Romans. But one has to admire the tenacity and determination embodied in that quotation.  It is that type of tenacity and determination that got the Romans through the darkest days of the Second Punic War when Hannibal had destroyed almost all of Rome’s military force.  It is that type of tenacity and determination that made Rome the great world power that it became.

It is that type of tenacity and determination that we, the religious folk, need to show if we are to win the culture war against those who are as determined to destroy us as Hannibal Barca was determined to destroy Rome.

In Canada, citizens have been much more successful in getting the government to correct the thoughts of political heretics.  Moslem extremists and gay activists seem to be particularly keen in the use of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunals to cleanse Canada from impious speech, thought and action.

Ezra Levant, for instance, is one of my main inspirations for Bias Incident: The World’s Most Politically Incorrect Novel.  He was hauled before the tribunal for, among other things, republishing the now infamous Danish mohommad cartoons.  Pastor Stephen Boisson was fined and forbidden from preaching about the topic of homosexuality by the commission because his views on the subject offended gay activists. (Is my mind playing tricks on me, or am I beginning to notice a pattern here?)

Although homosexual conduct is forbidden by my faith, just as it is forbidden for Christians, I have never heard a rabbi mention the topic in all my years as a congregant.  I’m glad of this, because the unequivocal nature of the authentic Jewish teaching about this subject would make for a boring sermon.  Better to hear from the pulpit words of inspiration or discussion of issues that are made more interesting by there being some sort of gray area.

There are people who are offended by my opinion.  They are offended by my right and the right of my religious teachers to express that opinion, even if they almost always decline that right.  They are offended even though homosexual conduct is one of many, many acts that are forbidden by my religion and even though homosexual conduct occupies no special place among the things forbidden by my beloved faith.

I have little doubt that the persecution of Stephen Boisson has had a chilling effect on the speech of Canadian clergy.  This has to change.  Religious people must act if they are not to lose their rights one piece at a time.  They must defy the “enlightened” and “tolerant” forces that would oppose them.

The defiance doesn’t have to be hateful.  It doesn’t have to be over-the-top.  The simple, defiant declaration to conclude every sermon in the manner of Cato the Elder will suffice.  “Furthermore, I feel it my duty to call your attention to Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13,” should be all that is necessary to stand up for free speech and to defy the bullies who would use the government to correct the thinking of its citizenry.

If enough clergy were to do so, it would be all the harder for Canada to trample on the rights of its citizens.

For a full discussion of the Punic Wars, one could scarcely do better than Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcasts on the subject called “Punic Nightmares” (it’s one of the “Classic” episodes available for purchase.  You won’t be disappointed).

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